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Baton Delivers File-based QC at GlobeCast Asia


Interra Systems, a global leader in Content QC and Monitoring, is pleased to announce that Baton is successfully delivering File-based QC at GlobeCast Asia. Baton is chosen for the quality check of content at multiple points within the production and transmission chain in GlobeCast Asia’s new digital broadcast facility at Mediapolis@one north in Singapore.

“Broadcasters around the world use our content management services, and the key component of the service is to ensure that our digital media workflow is the best in class. Interra’s Baton has enabled us to efficiently handle the QC of large volumes of diverse content. Also, Interra’s proactive customer support has helped us in quick launch with full confidence due to a faster turnaround on content quality checks,” said Darby Sanchez, Chief Executive Officer of GlobeCast Asia.

“We are delighted that GlobeCast Asia has integrated Interra’s Baton as a quality enabler in their broadcast facility. It is very exciting to note that today Baton is the leading file-based QC solution because of its comprehensive and enterprise approach to QC. World-wide adoption of Baton has endorsed that Baton can handle the unique quality needs of broadcast and multi-platform delivery,” said Sanjay Mittal, Managing Director-Asia at Interra Systems.

Baton is the Industry Leading, Enterprise-Class File-based QC solution. More than 350 Broadcasters, Post-Production houses, IPTV, Telemedia, Satellite, and Archiving companies trust Baton QC in production. Baton delivers better formats support, most comprehensive quality checks, more efficient verification and enterprise scalability than any other QC offering available today.