Americas Asia-Pacific EMEA






Hughes Technology Selected by Telconet in Ecuador for Mintel Rural Project


June 26, 2012

Hughes Network Systems, LLC has been selected by Telconet, a leading telecommunications service provider in Ecuador, to provide an HX System and broadband satellite terminals for the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (Mintel) rural connectivity project in Ecuador.

Tomislav Topic, president of Telconet, said, "We conducted a thorough evaluation of competing satellite broadband system providers and were convinced that Hughes not only had the best technology for this program, but also the depth of experience and the ability to deliver in a timely fashion. We are excited about this network connecting rural and underserved areas in Ecuador, bringing to these isolated communities, Internet access, data, voice, and video applications for the first time."

Nick Marzella, vice president and general manager of the CALA Region at Hughes, said, "We are proud to have been chosen by Telconet to provide the satellite solution for this very important program. Hughes has a great deal of experience in these types of government-sponsored initiatives, using satellite technology to connect rural and underserved areas, bringing the many benefits of broadband Internet access to help close the digital divide."